The Bloomberg Honolulu Star-Bulletin Index is a price-weighted index designed to measure the performance of Hawaii-based companies. The index was developed with a base value of 100 as of December 31, 1999. A chart of the index which shows the weekly performance of its members is published weekly in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
The Bloomberg /
Star-Bulletin Index
Barnwell hits high
Barnwell Industries Inc. rose 1.52 percent to a 10-year high this week to highlight the performances of Hawaii companies in the Bloomberg Honolulu Star-Bulletin index. The Honolulu-based company, which conducts oil and gas operations in Alberta, Canada, and has real estate holdings on the Big Island, closed yesterday at $23.40, its highest level since 1993.Ceatech USA Inc., trading for the first time in five weeks, jumped 76.5 percent to lead the way in the index. The Kauai shrimp producer revealed in a Securities and Exchange filing last week that its losses doubled in its 2003 fiscal year from a year earlier.
Source: Bloomberg News STAR-BULLETIN GRAPHIC