The Internet information on pet-friendly buildings is just what Holly, Alice and Darryl Nagano's cat, is looking for.
Web site locates
pet-friendly rentals
Hawaiian Humane Society
For most people, perusing the want ads for a place to live can be stressful. What's even more difficult is trying to find a place that allows family pets.
The Hawaiian Humane Society's Pets in Housing program began in 1994 to support pet owners and encourage landlords, managers and associations to accept companion animals and their responsible families. In 1997 a bulletin board at the Humane Society was initiated, allowing landlords to post vacancies in pet-friendly houses and apartments.
The Pets in Housing information kit is available at no charge, including sample rental agreements, landlord checklists, and tips for tenants and property managers. Now all this information can also be found in the Pets and Housing section of the Humane Society's Web site at www.hawaiianhumane.org/programs/petshousing/index.asp. By utilizing this information, locating the ideal house or apartment for responsible pet owners has never been easier.
"The Web site is a quick and simple way to search through vacancies without having to thumb through individual ads," said Cynthia Keolanui, Humane Society outreach manager. "Landlords can use this service to list a property for free and reach a whole new market of potential renters, and renters can search for a suitable living situation for themselves and their pets."
The listings include a description of the building, date of availability, type of pets allowed and cost of rent as well as contact information.
This service unites animal lovers on both sides of the housing spectrum in an effort to encourage the integration of more animals into homes and promote the joy of owning a pet.
"Pet Ohana" runs the first and third Fridays of the month. The Hawaiian Humane Society is a nonprofit agency dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals. They are at 2700 Waialae Ave. Call 946-2187.
Information for tenants
and landlords on the Internet
The following materials may be downloaded from the Pets in Housing Web site:
>> Pet-friendly buildings: A listing of the pet policies of hundreds of buildings is at www.hawaiianhumane.org/programs/petshousing/default.asp.
>> Pets in Housing Bulletin Board: Renters can check the listing of rentals available for pet owners at www.hawaiianhumane.org/programs/petshousing/default2.asp. Landlords and property managers can list pet-friendly rentals at 946-2187, ext. 222, or click on www.hawaiianhumane.org/programs/petshousing/rentals.asp.
>> Tips for tenants: Suggestions for pet owners to demonstrate responsible pet care to future landlords.
>> A checklist for landlords: Questions to help identify responsible pet owners when interviewing prospective tenants.
>> Pet application/registration: A form owners or managers can use to gather information about pet residents.
>> Pet health report: Pet owners can have this form filled out by their pet's veterinarian to show prospective landlords that their pet is in good health and up to date on vaccinations.
>> Pet addendum to rental agreement: This agreement allows pet owners to indicate their responsibility for their pet's actions, while assuring landlords of a reasonable outcome if any problems should arise.
>> Common pet problems and suggested solutions: Information can be used to help resolve issues of barking dogs, stray cats, fleas, odors and more.
Go to www.hawaiianhumane.org and choose "Programs & Services," then select "Pets in Housing."

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