
Dave Donnelly
Kelly Hu ‘talks dirty’
at Hawaii Theatre
WHAT is this world coming to? Miss Teen Hawaii "talking dirty" and getting paid for it? To explain, Kelly Hu, the former Kamehameha student who won that title when a teenager in 1985 and went on to be Miss Teen USA, will be appearing at the Hawaii Theatre in the umpteenth version of "The Vagina Monologues." If you've seen the show -- or even seen the title -- you know what she'll be discussing May 21 to 25. Hu is very hot right now, having appeared in any number of TV series ("Nash Bridges") and films, most recently "X2: X-Men United." (NBC's Gene Shalit said yesterday it was aimed at those with an "X-Mentality.") Appearing at the Hawaii Theatre with Hu is Amy J. Carle, who was in the show with MacKenzie Phillips and then Loretta Swit last year, and Starla Benford, a N.Y. actress who was in the first national tour of the show ...
IF looks alone could win you a title, former local weather anchor Ku'ualoha Taylor could order up any she wanted. The drop-dead gorgeous Taylor, who I was floored to learn had once been a bartender here, now works on TV in San Diego where she's known simply as "Aloha Taylor." She made a real dramatic stretch and appeared on screen as a TV reporter in an episode of "The District," airing tomorrow on KGMB. Her name on screen is "Malia Miyazaki." And as Taylor puts it, "At least they got the Hawaiian first name right." ...
Butterflies are free
YET another former island girl and title holder -- Miss Chinatown USA 1997 -- really had butterflies on her wedding day. Hundreds of them. When Lori Young became the bride of Yahoo! exec Kevin Timmons, hearts weren't the only things set aflutter. Some 125 butterflies were released in the Halekulani Courtyard at the nuptials, and another 1,200 butterfly decorations were arranged on the hotel lawn by Eric Chandler, whose partner, Takeo, designed Young's bridal gown ...
WE'RE not finished with title holders -- we're on a roll: Miss Hawaii USA 2003 Alicia Michioka has been signed to play the female ninja in "Blood of the Samurai: The Series," now in pre-production. The demure Miss Hawaii said one of the things that attracted her to the role of Yuki is that "she kicks major butt." That should give her some good background should she pursue a career in her major at HPU -- advertising and journalism ...
Miss Hawaii in Japan
HAWAII seems to be everywhere in Japan, reports publicist Mona Wood, there with Dawn Gohara at a local department store's Hawaii Festival during Golden Week. Though Japanese, Dawn doesn't speak the language, so when she's asked a question, Wood answers, leaving the natives terribly confused. Meanwhile, HVCB is part of a big festival in Tokyo, and Miss Hawaii, Kehaulani Christiansen, is there as special guest -- and camera fodder. In addition, Wood spotted a flier for Makaha Sons concerts in Fukuoka, Okayama and Osaka. Another Hawaii Festival is planned in Tokyo in May ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
The Week That Was runs Sundays and recalls
items from Dave's 30 years of columns.
Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com