UH vice-president search
now focuses on 4 finalists
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
» David McClain is interim vice president for research at the University of Hawaii. He also remains dean and First Hawaiian Bank Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Management for the College of Business Administration at UH-Manoa. An article on Page A14 Sunday incorrectly said he was interim dean of research and that he no longer held the business college dean and professor positions.
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Star-Bulletin staff
A University of Hawaii search committee announced the selection of four finalists for the position of vice president for academic affairs, which is the chief academic officer for the entire university and its community colleges.
Open forum meetings have been scheduled with each of the four finalists beginning tomorrow.
The four finalists are:
>> David McClain, interim dean of research for the University of Hawaii since March 2003. Prior to that, McClain was dean and First Hawaiian Bank Distinguished Professor of Leadership and management for the College of Business Administration at UH-Manoa. McClain holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
>> Roger W. Bowen, most recently the president and chief executive of the Milwaukee Public Museum. From 1996 until 2001, Bowen served as president of the State University of New York at New Paltz. He holds a Ph.D. in political science for the University of British Columbia.
>> James P. Chapman, the provost of the University of Alaska at Anchorage where he also serves as the chief academic officer. Chapman also served as president of Shawnee State college, one of Ohio's 13 public universities. Chapman holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Indiana University.
>> Dianne Francis Harrison, the associate vice president for academic affairs and the dean of graduate studies at Florida State university. From 1994 until 2000, Harrison served as the dean of Florida State's School of Social Work. Harrison holds a Ph.D. in social work from Washington University.
University of Hawaii