Kumu Hula Kau'i Kamanao, left, and Kunewa Mook were emotional after winning last night. Mook held a picture of Kumu Hula Paleka Mattos who died last year.
Halau caps night
of emotions with
Merrie Monarch title
Hula Halau 'O Kamuela honors
late Kumu Hula Paleka Mattos before
capturing wahine and overall honors
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
» The original kumu hula of Hula Halau O Kamuela was Sam Naeole. An article on Page A1 Sunday said incorrectly that it was Paleka Mattos.
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Editor Frank Bridgewater at 529-4791 or email him at corrections@starbulletin.com. |
HILO >> Hula Halau 'O Kamuela swept the wahine competition, winning the kahiko, 'auana and overall wahine titles, and the overall trophy in the 40th annual Merrie Monarch Festival, capping an emotional night.
Their kumu last year, the legendary Paleka Mattos, died in her sleep and the leadership of the halau was taken over by Mattos' protege, Kau'i Kamanao.
Kumu Hula Johnny Lum Ho's Halau Ka Ua Kani Lehua won the overall men's title and the kane 'auana competition. There was a tie for the kane kahiko title between Sonny Ching's Halau Na Mamo 'O Pu'uanahulu and Ka Pa Hula 'O Kamehameha, led by Holoua Stender.
Before Hula Halau 'O Kamuela's performance last night, Kamanao squatted in the makeshift dressing room under wooden bleachers at the rustic Edith Kanakaole Tennis Stadium as his dancers, many taller and older than the 25-year-old hula master, focused on their most emotional performance.

The kane from Halau I Ka Wekiu (Na Kumu Hula Karl Veto Baker & Michael Casupang from Honolulu) perform at the 40th Annual Merrie Monarch Festival.
"You're performing for your halau and for kumu hula Paleka and for you," Kamanao said. "I know Paleka is watching us tonight, and I know she has one wish and it is very simple: Do your best for your halau, hula sisters and you.
"You are not under pressure from any history here. Do what you have been taught and be happy, 'cuz Paleka wants that."
The legendary Paleka Mattos, the Honolulu halau's only other kumu hula, died a year ago in her sleep. And now this man-child kumu hula Kamanao, who was hanaied into Mattos' family when he was three years old, has taken over the role he was chosen for as a child.

Halau Hula 'O Kawaili'ula (Kumu Hula Chinky Mahoe from Kailua, O'ahu) dance.
Mattos' halau last year took first for wahine in both the 'auana, or modern dance, and kahiko, ancient dance, competitions, as well as the overall trophy and Miss Aloha Hula. The halau accomplished the same feat in 2001 but did not win Miss Aloha Hula.
"We'll do our best that's all Paleka would ask of us," Kamanao said before his halau performed to a mele that celebrated the glories of the Big Island and gives a "tour" of the island's three famous peaks: Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea and Hualalai.
The kane of Halau Ke Kia'i A 'O Hula, under kumu hula Kapi'olani Ha'o from Honolulu, opened the final competition, the hula 'auana, performing "He Aloha No Wai'anae," praising that section of Oahu's Leeward Coast and "the peaceful shady famous coconut tree at Pokai Bay." The five men in straw hula skirts, yellow long sleeve shirts and maile lei performed a cheery, free-spirited dance full of whimsy with a "go for broke" attitude, the hallmark of the hula 'auana.
But it was Halau I Ka Wekiu of Honolulu, who danced to the mele "Ka Lawai'a," a song composed as a birthday present by Loma Lim for her fisherman brother James Kimo Lim, that received the most applause, whistles and cheers. The nine incredibly fit kane dancers wore tangerine colored and narrow malos, showing the most skin of any performance at Merrie Monarch this year.

Among the performers at the 40th Annual Merrie Monarch Festival last night were Kumu Hula Johnny Lum Ho's Halau Ka Ua Kani Lehua, above.
The men with sharp synchronized turns and foot stomping mimicked a net and spear fishermen, and with every turn and chance for the malo to rise higher on their legs, the audiences' cheers grew louder.
Chinky Mahoe's wahine of Halau Hula 'O Kawaili'ula, performing "Ho'i Mai I Kumuwaena," a mele that completed a trilogy series called "Kalekahikolu" in which each song brings forth the essence of life: faith, hope, love.
The dancing in full neck to ankle dresses began eloquently and ended delicately feminine with the women never breaking step and their arms moving as if attached to a single body.
Maui's wahine Kano'eau Dance Academy performed "Nani Venuse," an ode to "Beautiful Venus."
Twenty-nine halaus competed last night in the audience pleasing 'auana before a sold out crowd of 5,000.

Kumu Hula William "Sonny" Kahakuleilehua Haunu'u Ching's Halau Na Mamo O Pu'uanahulu.
There was also the return after a two-year absence of another perennial Merrie Monarch winner, Kumu Hula William "Sonny" Kahakuleilehua Haunu'u Ching and his Halau Na Mamo O Pu'uanahulu. In what many hula experts considered a surprise, Ching's halau member Jennifer Oyama won first place in the Miss Aloha Hula competition on Thursday night as well as the Hawaiian Language chant division, giving rise to speculation that more awards would come his way in the halau competition.
Ching's wahine danced "Ka Wai Mukiki," "lehua scented honey for the birds, yellow barked 'awa of Kali'u. The hounding pursuer of Puna ... " His kane, in red satin, long sleeve shirts and white pants over which were split leaf ti skirts, danced to the mele "Pili Kapekepeke" about the iiwi bird sampling the nectar of the lehua blossom. The dancing was tightly choreographed and flawless, with the group remaining mostly together as one unit cutting the margin of error to nothing.