New releases by Hawaii authors

"War in the Pacific Volume II -- People and Places," by Jerome T. Hagen (Hawaii Pacific University, $24.50) |
Although much has been written about the Pacific conflict, Hagen is about the only author/teacher out there whose books are aimed at pure education. This follow-up to his earlier work personalizes the war and adds many details. Although this history is by nature nonlinear, it's also remarkably even-handed and clearly written.
"Anatomia, 1838," by Gerrit P. Judd, translated by Esther T. Mookini (University of Hawaii Press, $26)
What a curiosity this book is! Judd wrote a medical textbook in Hawaiian in 1838, and it was translated into English 165 years later. An attractive curio that gives insight into Hawaii's medical conditions at the time.
"Black Dahlia Avenger," by Steve Hodel (Arcade, $27.95)
Boy, the weird places Hawaii connections appear. There is tremendous buzz on this book as the author solved an infamous, grisly murder -- and it turned out that the murderer fled to Hawaii to earn a degree in psychiatry from UH and then counseled the criminally insane at our territorial prison! This is a compulsively readable whodunit.
"Khawarzm," by Nathaniel H.C. Kim (Xlibris, $19.54)
Kaneohe author Kim's first novel is an exciting romance set in ancient Central Asia. It moves right along!
"Tomorrow's Memories -- A Diary, 1924-1928," by Angeles Monrayo (University of Hawaii Press, $19.95)
The elegiac, daily experiences of a Filipino teenager, is nicely expanded by UH Press with additional material. It's sensitively edited, but not censored, by Monrayo's daughter Rizaline Raymundo.
Reviewed by Burl Burlingame

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