Churches showcase
variety of musical styles
Star-Bulletin staff
Four Honolulu churches will serve as concert halls for an eclectic choice of music.
>> Tomorrow: "Songs of Love, Nature and Peace" will be presented at 4 p.m. at Kawaiaha'o Church. The free concert of music from South and Central America, South Africa, Taiwan and Hawaii will be presented by the Hawaii Pacific University International Chorale and Vocal Ensemble. Susan Duprey is the director, and Herb Mahelona, the accompanist.
>> May 4: The Lutheran Church of Honolulu will present choral music of British composer Benjamin Britten in a 7:30 p.m. program. It will feature the church's choir, directed by Carl Crosier and Allen Bauchle, and Century's End, conducted by Joseph Pettit, with Katherine Crosier as organist. Tickets are $15, with reduced rates for seniors and full-time students. Call 941-2566 for information.
>> May 4: The 7:30 p.m. evensong and organ recital at St. Andrew's Cathedral will feature the choir, directed by Arlan Sunnarborg, in Stanford's "Te Deum in B-flat," "Magnificat" and "Nunc dimittis in B-flat" as well as organ selections by Jongen, Langlais, Bridge and Widor.
>> May 5: Five by Five will sing songs from their "Coming Home" CD at the 7:30 p.m. Church of Crossroads Music Scholarship Concert. Two members of the island group were recipients of the scholarships, which provide vocal and instrumental training for musicians. Admission is free, but a calabash offering will be sought to finance future grants.

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