15 students of Samoan
ancestry get scholarships
Star-Bulletin staff
Fifteen high school seniors of Samoan ancestry were presented Lumana'i awards at a Thursday banquet at the Filipino Community Center. The annual recognition is made by the Nu'u Project of the Hawaii Conference, United Church of Christ.
Two were given scholarships of $1,000 each as the outstanding male and female students. They are Andrew Savini, of Kahuku High School, who will attend Tufts University, and Julice Ubando, of Castle High School, who will attend the University of Hawaii.
The other honorees will receive $500 scholarships made possible by a grant from Makiki Christian Church:
>> Wilson Afoa, of St. Louis School, will attend the University of Washington.
>> Ilaisa Chang, of Waianae High School, will attend the University of Hawaii.
>> Kuuleialoha Ernesi, of Waialua High School, will attend the University of Hawaii.
>> Honorine Failauga, of Radford High School, will attend Leeward Community College.
>> Cindy Faumui, of Farrington High School, will attend Brigham Young University-Hawaii.
>> Kim Logotaeao, of Farrington High School, will attend the University of Washington.
>> Elisaia Mailo, of Farrington High School, will attend the University of Hawaii.
>> Harris Mataafa, of Kahuku High School, will attend Brigham Young University, Utah.
>> Betty Piedra, of Kaimuki High School, will attend Lewis and Clark University.
>> Jordan Savusa, of Mid-Pacific Institute, will attend the University of Hawaii.
>> Sarah Tanuvasa, of Farrington High School, will attend the University of Hawaii-Hilo.
>> Daniel Tautofi, of Kaimuki High School, will attend the University of Hawaii.
>> Micah Tiedemann, of St. Louis School, will attend California State University-Fullerton.

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