The spectrum logo, left, and the wave logo, right.
Regents to pick ‘spectrum’
or ‘wave’ as logo
The winning design will be
used to market the university
as part of a branding initiative
It's the "wave" vs. the "spectrum" as the year-long effort to develop a single logo for the University of Hawaii system was narrowed to two choices.
The final candidates evolved from interpretations of what's in an H.
Depending on the design, it's either "the university's unique island location while figuratively signifying Hawaii's importance as a link between East and West" or "a sense of movement that reflects the energy in Hawaii's geography."
One design, called "wave," is an H with a crossbar of waves that join in the center. The design represents the university's island location and the different but interdependent nature of the UH system's community colleges.
The other design, called "spectrum," is an H with an abstract circular design in the center that forms another H and something of a Chinese yin-yang character. The curves also resemble waves, unfolding ferns and the scoop of a voyaging canoe sail, according to a description of the design on the UH Web site.
The university unveiled the final two designs yesterday to gather public comment by May 2.
Theomments will be presented to the UH regents meeting next month when the new logo for the university system will be selected.
"There are really two very different concepts. One is clean, simple, straightforward, and the second one is more complex," said Paul Costello, UH vice president for external affairs. "People see and read a lot more into it. Some people see Polynesian sails; they see an East-West link."
The logo will replace more than 150 different logos in use systemwide but will not replace the logo that is used by athletic teams.
The system logo will be dark blue. Each campus will have its own color -- UH-Manoa will be green, UH-Hilo red, Leeward Community College periwinkle, etc.
"The system doesn't have a logo," Costello said. "There was a logo approved by the regents in 1971 that no one has ever used. The only logos we have are sports logos."
The UH seal is not a logo, Costello said. "The seal is not really a branding or marketing. It has its own stand-alone purpose, and that is the official imprint of the university."
The seal will continue to be used on diplomas and academic transcripts, Costello said. But the new logo will be used on the UH Web site, promotional and marketing brochures, university publications, stationery, calendars and other materials.
The selection of the new UH logo is part of a branding campaign that started last year.
The Kailua-based Brand Strategy Group, under a $54,000 contract, held a series of meetings on all 10 campuses to identify what makes the university unique and how best to market it.
The Brand Strategy Group then worked with Maryland Robert Rytter & Associates, which was awarded an $82,000 contract to design the new brand identity and develop its applications for use on all 10 campuses.
The university is also paying about $500,000 over the next two years to Starr Seigle Communications to design marketing materials and advertising to attract students and promote the university.
The two logos and information about the branding campaign can be found on the UH Web site at www.hawaii.edu/ur/brand.htm.
University of Hawaii