Dave Brown
Dave Brown captured the power of 10 to 15 foot waves at Waimea during winter 2001, at top. Note the size of the people standing at the top of the cliff.
Liquid portrait
When Dave Brown moved to the islands two years ago, he brought with him dreams of becoming a world-class photographer. And, being a surfer, the water seemed a subject from which he could cut his teeth.
"I figured, if I can shoot the North Shore, I can shoot anywhere, because that's where the most challenging conditions and the best surfers are," Brown says. "To me, Hawaii is the soul of surfing, so doing this now gives me the most inspiration."
A friend at Queen's has fun in the water "on a small day."
Brown works nights as a driver for a freight delivery service, which enables him to work on his surf photography during the day. But even after the sun goes down, he carries his camera everywhere, always ready to capture another perfect shot.
Artists and photographers are invited to submit portfolios of their work. Send
photocopied samples to Portfolio, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7 Waterfront Plaza,
Suite 210, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813; or e-mail jpeg images to features@starbulletin.com
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