Malani Bilyeu, left, and DJ Pratt jam.
Kalapana on stage
By Jason Genegabus
Kalapana is kicking off its Asian Pacific tour, promoting its latest CD, the "Blue Album," with a rare, two-night performance at Kapono's.
A consistent favorite since the 1970s, the band has been one of the state's more prolific musical acts over the years. The current roster of DJ Pratt, Malani Bilyeu, Gaylord Kalani Holomalia and Kenji Sano will play their well-known Hawaiian blend of pop, folk, country and jazz.
Henry Kapono will open tonight and Pacific Blue tomorrow.
>> Place: Kapono's, Aloha Tower Marketplace
>> Time: 7 p.m. today and tomorrow
>> Tickets: $15 advance and $20 at the door for 21 and over, available at the club, Tower Records locations, or by calling 536-2161
>> Call: 599-4043

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