Dave Donnelly
Lexus makes beautiful
music for Symphony
THINKING about getting a new car, say a Lexus? You might think about waiting a month and taking in the Honolulu Symphony Ball May 17 when one will be auctioned off at the ball thanks to Servco Lexus. If you're serious, you can call the symphony office (524-0815, Ext. 231), specify which model you'd like to bid for and request that it be made available. In addition to the ownership of the Lexus, you can also get a year's lease on a new Toyota and/or a new Lexus RX-330 luxury SUV. The people lining up auction items have been busy. You can find $350,000 worth of goodies such as a trip to San Francisco with air, hotel, symphony tickets, dinner at Postrio and a tour of the Korbel Vineyard in Napa. Now that sounds like something down my alley ...
TWO long-standing community members will be honored at the fifth annual Bernice Pauahi Bishop Awards Dinner May 10 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. James C. McIntosh of the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation, will receive the Charles Reed Bishop medal for exemplifying the spirit and purpose of the museum's founder. And Honolulu Advertiser writer Bob Krauss will receive the Robert J. Pfeiffer medal for his dedication to the perpetuation of Hawaii's maritime heritage. It's all a benefit for the Bishop Museum's education programs and will celebrate Hawaiian royalty with regal decor and entertainment. The inevitable silent auction will be a part of the evening as will dinner and dancing. Call 848-4187 for tickets, prices of which start at $200 per person ...
Tommy aches
ANOTHER charity auction is coming up at the end of May for Diamond Head Theatre and it is being co-chaired by Mindy Tucker. And this little tale is fit for the musical, "The World is Round." DHT artistic director John Rampage first made his mark on the local stage in the company's production of "The Music Man." He played Tommy Djilas in the show. One who caught that production nearly 30 years ago was Tucker, then Mindy Glaser. Now a DHT board member, Tucker is quite proud of her 15-year-old son, Mark Tucker, a seven-year veteran of DHT's "Shooting Stars" program. And now he's following in his mentor's footsteps. He's been cast as Tommy in the upcoming Army Community Theatre production of "The Music Man," and yes, mom will again be in the audience ...
It's a beach
MORE THAN 200 teams are signed to play in "Spike It!" That's the huge volleyball festival sponsored by JN Chevrolet May 3 and 4 at Ala Moana Beach Park. Organizer Mark Matsumoto says there'll be party inflatables, free entertainment and food available for the entire family to enjoy .... Some are calling Starbucks Ka'iwi Channel canoe paddling competition May 4 "Hawaiian Open Rush" -- the coffee connection, get it? Lots of coffee and juice items and beautiful bods will be available for sampling and gawking, respectively, at Magic Island, the finish line for the relay race which begins in Kaluakoi ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
The Week That Was runs Sundays and recalls
items from Dave's 30 years of columns.
Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com