Isle households
to get gift of
movie Jesus
Distributing the video is part
of a $1.7 million Easter project
Star-Bulletin staff
Every Hawaii family with a mailbox will receive a video copy of the 1979 Warner Brothers movie "Jesus" this month in a $1.7 million Easter project underwritten by 185 island Christian churches.
The local distribution to more than 497,000 addresses is the latest chapter in a 20-year phenomenon in which Christian groups have used the 83-minute video as a modern evangelizing tool to people not likely to open the Bible to read the whole tale. Considered an accurate depiction of the Gospel of Luke, it is shown by churches at Christmas and Easter.
Promoters say it has been translated into more than 700 languages and shown in more than 236 countries. Critics have called the movie bland.
"It is a historic project in two ways," said Keli'i Akina, executive director of Hawaii Youth for Christ, who led the fund-raising effort. "The number of churches partnering together set a record for this type of campaign. And the scope of the project, statewide into every mailbox, is also a record."
His organization partnered with Campus Crusade for Christ on the mainland, and with the Jesus Video Project America handling the mailing from the mainland. A similar mailing was undertaken in South Carolina last year.
"It is not an attempt whatsoever to recruit for any denomination," Akina said, and the contributions came from individual congregations not denominations, including mainline Protestants and Catholic churches as well as evangelical and pentecostal groups.
Many of those mailboxes belong to non-Christians but, Akina said "We encourage them to keep it for educational purposes. In my home, we have materials from other religions.
"We understand if anyone doesn't want it. If they would leave it at their post office, it won't be wasted. What will happen is military chaplains will make it available for personnel living in barracks and on boats," he said.
"We think the majority of people will be glad to receive it. Sometimes it is difficult to read through a long document but here, in 83 minutes, they can see the entire life of Jesus."
Akina said: "Because of the times we live in, the Christian churches of Hawaii wanted to give a special Easter gift to the people of our state, a gift of hope and love which will make a difference in a world in which those things are scarce."
Anyone who didn't get the free video may call 946-1300 to receive one.
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