On the Scene

John Berger

TAKING A BREAK: Karen Keawehawai'i visited with husband Jackie Farias, left, and local music historian Alan Yoshioka during intermission at the Hawaii Theatre on Friday. Keawehawai'i brought down the house when she recalled how she first met Olomana founder Jerry Santos after someone said, "Ask Gerald to sing." She thought he was a "haole boy" until he sang "Kaneohe."

THE BEAUTY OF HULA: Kumu hula Aloha Dalire, left, and her daughter, Keola, shared their family hula traditions after intermission. Keola's hula in a gold-on-orange gown created the show's most striking optical illusion -- sections of the gold design appeared to vanish momentarily as she danced.

GREAT SHOW, GUYS!: The five members of the Papa Kumu class of the Kuhai Halau o Kawaikapuokalani Pa 'Olapa Kahiko, in green, celebrated with Olomana after the show. A video showing Robert Beaumont and Emma Defries honored the past in great style. A high-energy rendition of "Tewe Tewe" was another highlight.
John Berger has covered the local
entertainment scene since 1972. Contact
him at jberger@starbulletin.com.
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