Goddess mug shot

The Goddess Speaks

Liesl Patterson

Breathing and the pelvis
are keys to this workout

A few days ago as I was cleaning out my dresser, I came across a cute little black workout outfit I bought oh so many months ago to inspire me to get back into shape and sculpt this 30-something-mother-of-three body into one lean mean ... well, you know the rest.

Anyway, after giving it some time to bond with other forgotten workout clothes in my drawer, I figured it was time to put it on and drop those excess pounds. Ten minutes and four chocolate chip cookies later, I didn't seem to be getting anywhere. I needed encouragement, but I wasn't ready to wear my outfit in public, so I ran out and bought myself a basic mat and workout videotape that I could use in the privacy of my own home.

The tape promised to isolate, activate and condition deep muscles (ooooo, sounds like a massage), establish core stability and mind-body connection (balancing an apple on your head?), tone and elongate muscles (sounds painful), balance strength with flexibility (juggling weights?) and release stress and tension (finally, something I understood).

I was confident of my ability to make it through the video workout when I was instructed to remember to breathe and know where my pelvis is at all times. DONE! This is easy! Woohoo, I'm on a roll.

The instructor went on to stress how important breathing is "because it really helps us contract the deep abdominal muscles" and "it helps us keep the tension out of the shoulder." So forget the whole idea that breathing is a question of life or death; it's that shoulder tension we've really got to worry about.

A few minutes into my workout, I felt I was absolutely starving to death. I decided to make a quick trip to the kitchen for some life-saving nourishment. I told the instructor not to stop on my account. I'd be right back.

After eating some leftovers from the previous night's dinner, I heard the dryer buzzer go off and brought back an armful of clean clothes to fold. The instructor didn't seem to notice, so I continued watching and folding.

I was able to time my folds with the instructor's counting. And lift, two, three, fold, two, three, down, two, three, next shirt, two, three ...

I have to admit I felt much better when she was through, mostly because I felt guilty while watching her without participating in the workout.

To help ease my guilt, I reasoned that this was an opportunity for me to grow -- not just in weight, but also as a wife, a mother and a woman. I figure life is too short for us to be consumed by worry about our bodies, so for now, as long as we manage to guard our health, let's all embrace our bodies as they are, in all their quirky perfection.

And wherever you go, always remember to breathe and know where your pelvis is at all times!

Is anybody else hungry?

Liesl Patterson is a writer and actor in Honolulu.

The Goddess Speaks is a Tuesday feature by and
about women. If you have something to say, write
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