H A W A I I _ S U M O T O R I


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Chiyotaikai wins
to gain on competition

Star-Bulletin wire services

OSAKA, Japan >> Ozeki Chiyotaikai gained a match on his closest competitors, getting the win against Shimotori (3-7) in a no contest today at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament.

Shimotori, a third-ranked maegashira, pulled out of the basho after injuring his chest in a bout on Sunday.

Chiyotaikai improved to 9-1 and retained sole possession of first place, while three sumotori who were tied for second place -- Hokutoriki, Tokitsuumi and Tamanoshima --each fell to 7-3.

Mongolian Asashoryu, the only yokozuna (grand champion) at the tournament, beat Tamanoshima to pull into a seven-way tie for second.

Musashimaru, or Hawaii's Fiamalu Penitani, is sitting out the tournament with a torn tendon in his left wrist that has been slow to heal.


Technique Lost
Gojoro 5-5 hatakikomi Tochinohana 3-7
+Yotsukasa 6-3-1 oshidashi Akinoshima 3-7
Asasekiryu 4-6 hatakikomi Hokutoriki 7-3
Aminishiki 5-5 okuridashi Kasuganishiki 4-6
Tamarikido 5-5 yorikiri Takanotsuru 3-7
Kyokushuzan 7-3 yorikiri Jumonji 6-4
Iwakiyama 6-4 oshidashi Tokitsuumi 7-3
Toki 4-6 oshitaoshi Kinkaiyama 3-7
Miyabiyama 7-3 oshidashi Kotoryu 5-5
Kaiho 5-5 hikiotoshi Buyuzan 6-4
Kasugao 4-6 kotenage Wakanoyama 2-8
Tochinonada 6-4 okuridashi Kotonowaka 4-6
Takamisakari 4-6 yorikiri Dejima 6-4
Tosanoumi 5-5 yorikiri Kyokutenho 5-5
Kotomitsuki 3-7 oshidashi Takanonami 6-4
Chiyotaikai 9-1 default Shimotori 3-7
Wakanosato 6-4 hikiotoshi Kaio 6-4
Asashoryu 7-3 hatakikomi Tamanoshima 7-3

For more sumo information online, try:
Sumo Web
Da Kine Sumo E-zine
Grand Sumo Home Page
Kyodo News Service


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