Key Ingredient
Gai lan is often mistaken for its relative, choy sum. They are both popular Asian greens, often used in similar fashions. Gai lan has white flowering buds, while choy sum has yellow buds. Choy sum is a milder-tasting green and generally easier to find, but gai lan should not be overlooked.
The basics: Gai lan, also known as Chinese broccoli or kale, is a flowering green related to the cabbage. Many compare gai lan to broccoli raab because of its slightly bitter taste. The leaves are dark green, large and fan-like with a slightly waxy appearance. The stems are also quite stout and sometimes fibrous, growing on average 7 to 9 inches. It is a very popular vegetable in Chinese cooking, often served as a dish in and of itself.
Although the leaves are the prized part of the vegetable in greens such as kale and collards, the Chinese regard the stem of gai lan as the choice part. The large outer leaves are generally discarded. Gai lan is a good source of vitamin A and C
Selecting: Gai lan is generally sold in bunches. Look for dark green leaves that aren't wilted. Avoid leaves with brown spots or holes. Make sure stalks look fresh and not dried out.
Storing: Refrigerate in a plastic bag for three to five days.
Use: Rinse gai lan and trim off tough stem ends. If stems are extra thick, use a vegetable peeler and remove some of the outer skin. Remove some of the large outer leaves if desired. Halve stems lengthwise, leaving long stalks of leaves and stems together. Do not discard the flowering buds.
Gai lan can be simply parboiled and served with oyster sauce or used in a garlic stir-fry with beef. Gai lan should be cooked just until tender and should have a crispy texture.
Where to buy: Gai lan can be found year-round at various Asian markets and Chinatown.
Food Stuffs: Morsels
Eleanor Nakama-Mitsunaga is
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