Hawaii Pacific University is sponsoring its 15th annual Hawaii High School Writing Awards Competition. HPU opens high school
writing competitionStar-Bulletin staff
The contest is open to high school juniors and seniors.
The first-place winner will receive a $500 cash award; second place, $300; and third place, $200. The winners will receive a 75 percent, 50 percent and 25 percent tuition-waiver scholarship, respectively.
Contestants must submit typewritten essays, double-spaced and no more than five pages. They will be judged on originality, analysis, vocabulary, syntax, expressiveness and ability to defend one's thesis.
Essays must have a theme based on a political, economic or social event that had a significant impact on Hawaii history and its relevance toward understanding the complexity of life in our state today.
Essays must include a completed writing awards nomination form, be postmarked no later than Monday and mailed to the Office of Scholarships and Honors Programs, Hawaii Pacific University, 1164 Bishop St., Suite 201-A, Honolulu 96813.
Winners, their families, nominating teachers and high school principals will be invited to attend an awards ceremony April 6 at the Hawaii Prince Hotel.
For more information or to request a nomination form, call 566-2430.