to the Editor

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Reviving death penalty is step backward

Thank you for your Jan. 3 editorial opposing the death penalty. While the crime that prompted Sen. Willie Espero's proposal to reinstate the death penalty was heinous, it has been well-established that the death penalty is not a deterrent but merely revenge. The retention of the death penalty in most states in America puts us in the company of countries we don't consider our equals, politically and economically. Even friendly countries won't extradite criminals to be tried in America because of the death penalty. The fact that we have a president whose home state has the "busiest death chamber" is no help.

Espero's bill would put us back to the late '40s and early '50s, the days of the Majors and Palakiko case, when the death penalty was abolished in Hawaii. Maybe he isn't old enough to remember those days. I am.

Evelyn Shepard

BRT proposal suits city's traffic needs

Building more roads is not the answer to our traffic problems. We'll just fill the roads with cars as fast as we can build them. Automobiles are expensive to maintain in more ways than one. Besides the direct cost in gas, maintenance, tires and insurance, too much land and resources are taken up for our cars.

With our limited land area, population density, dependence on tourism and need to preserve the natural environment, we need to invest in public transit.

From a financial and planning standpoint Bus Rapid Transit is the only wise choice. It's a good alternative that makes sense, and the time to do it is now. I'm looking forward to BRT as infrastructure for the future and well-being of our entire island and its residents.

Scott Sunaoka


HECO makes right move on energy

Regarding the Star-Bulletin's Jan. 4 story, "HECO forms alternative energy branch":

It's about time. We've been telling HECO to get off oil for more than 10 years. We are watching to see the depth of its sincerity. Hawaii cannot be included with the mainland and the national average of 2 percent use of alternate energy. The mainland has contiguous states that share energy burdens. Hawaii does not. Hawaii must become energy self-sufficient, i.e. no dependence on foreign oil.

Carolyn Walther

Government should keep its distance

I am certain that after the Christian soldiers of Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas have completed their protest mission in Hawaii, and have further divided the oneness of God, an old fire will be rekindled -- legal gay marriages.

Someone once said that we are born alone and die alone. I believe we live alone as well. We form relationships that come and go. The levels of government want to record and monitor all these comings and goings with tax laws and other economic, moralistic and legal complexities. Why?

Relationships, including marriages, are between the recipients, and now that blood tests are no longer a requirement for obtaining marriage licenses, government has no need to approve of personal relationships between consenting adults.

Let's tax and treat all adults as individuals. It would be a lot simpler, a lot cheaper and it would eliminate the problem of state approval of gay relationships.

I sincerely want the individuals of Westboro Baptist Church to receive and take with them the spirit of aloha, which to me means tolerance and a firm belief that every individual must also be free to choose one's own spiritual involvement.

Wide Garcia
Lahaina, Maui

How to write us

The Star-Bulletin welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (150 to 200 words). The Star-Bulletin reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number.

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