My Kind of Town

by Don Chapman

No time for sermons

>> Queen's Medical Center

Gregor Edmund von Mintz, Viscount of Wormshabstlutheraufgemachen but better known from his ads as Dr. Greg Mintz, chiropractor, "the Healing Hands Man," was waiting for visiting hours to start. As it turned out he knew one of the nurses, Teddy Sakai, from the old days at Hula's.

"I hear your sweetie is doing much better," Teddy said. "Go ahead, it's OK to go in a little early. Have a few minutes to yourselves."

Wires and tubes still ran from Lance Ah Sun's head, but he was awake and waiting for his family's promised visits when his older lover walked in.

"Oh, Greg, just hold me! I need you so much!"

And that's where they were, Greg leaning over Lance, gently cradling and kissing him, when Lance's sister Lily and brother Laird walked in.

When Greg stood up and Lance saw the big brother he hadn't heard from in two years, a tear came to his eyes, then a bunch of them. "This means so much to me, Laird," Lance said. "I didn't know you ..." And he dissolved in happy tears. "Oh, Greg, this is my brother."

Laird, grateful that Greg didn't offer to shake hands, could not make himself hug his gay brother. "Good to see you're awake and everything," Laird said, softly punching Lance's shoulder.

That's when their mother walked in, saw her three children and shrieked. "Lance, what are you doing home?!"

"I couldn't stay away."

This was the first time her children had been in the same place at the same time in years, and all Grace wanted was to be with them. But she was due for lunch with the ex-president.

"I'm sorry, I can't stay," she said. "But I'll be back after lunch." How much after lunch depended on what happened in the Presidential Suite at the Hilton. She kissed them all, including Greg, and hurried out.

"Hey, Greg," Lily said, trying to ease the tension, "tell Laird about the royal part."

"Royal part?" Laird cringed, fearing it was some body part, or maybe some gay term he didn't need to know.

"Greg is royalty, Laird. From Europe. Tell them your full name."

Greg bowed slightly from the waist. "Gregor Edmund von Mintz, Viscount of Wormshabstlutheraufgemachen."

"Isn't that cute? OK, your highness, Lance, later. We're on our way to see Quinn.

"We'll be back."

Don Chapman is editor of MidWeek.
His serialized novel runs daily in the Star-Bulletin
with weekly summaries on Sunday.
He can be e-mailed at

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