Genesys Conferencing, which operates one of Hawaii's largest call centers, will close its Honolulu office at the end of the year and lay off most of its 130 workers between December and mid-January. Genesys call center
to close, cutting 130
Star-BulletinIn a notification filed yesterday with the state Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, the company listed 100 employees who will be laid off.
The company has offices at 1001 Bishop St. Genesys has already closed three U.S. call centers, in Bedford, Mass., Denver, Co., and Montgomery, Ala.
Based in Montpellier, France, Genesys is a global communications company providing services to 17,000 clients worldwide.
It has 25 locations in 18 countries, according to its Web site. It employs about 1,500 people worldwide.