Key Ingredient
Dandelion greens
The greens family can be quite overwhelming, given the sheer variety available these days. Beet greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, not to mention the collards, all are tasty choices that should be incorporated in a healthy diet.
Dandelion greens are yet another variety packed with vitamin A, C, iron and calcium.
The basics: Dandelion greens are members of the sunflower family and are picked before the dandelion flower develops. They have jagged, spiked leaves that look similar to mizuna, only sturdier. Considered a weed, it grows wild in many parts of the world, but is now being cultivated.
The greens have a slightly bitter flavor with a bit of a tang. They have been compared to chicory or escarole and are used in much the same manner in fresh salads.
Selecting: Dandelion greens are normally sold in bunches. Look for leaves that are bright to dark green with no yellowing. Make sure leaves are sturdy and not wilted. Young leaves tend to be less bitter than larger older leaves.
Storing: Greens wrapped in a plastic bag may be stored in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days.
Use: Wash greens well and cut off the tough bottom stems. For salads, tear leaves into bite-size pieces and toss with other greens or a mesclun mix. Fennel and endive also pair well with dandelion greens.
Dandelion greens can also be steamed, stir-fried or sautéed for a nutritious side dish. Be careful not to overcook the greens, however. Just a simple sauté with oil and garlic, salt and pepper should do. Dandelion greens have also been used in casserole dishes of beans and sausage or used like broccoli rabe in pastas.
Where to buy: Dandelion greens are available year-round with the most tender supply available in late spring. Look for them near other greens such as mustard or collards in the supermarket at $2.50 to $3.50 a bunch.
Food Stuffs: Morsels
Eleanor Nakama-Mitsunaga is
a free-lance food writer. Contact her
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