Religion Briefs

Christian event discusses world's end

"Are current events a sign of the end times?" will be explored by radio preacher David Hocking and other speakers at a Christian event next week.

Hocking, host of the "Hope for Today" radio show and author of several books, will kick off the "End Times Outreach" at 6:30 p.m. next Saturday at the Hawaii Convention Center.

The lecture will follow the all-day "How to Walk 2002" conference next Saturday at the center. The seminar will continue from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will feature speakers Joe Courson, Gayle Erwin, Greg Laurie, Mike MacIntosh, Don McClure, Danny Lehmann and Bill Stonebraker. All sessions are free and open to the public.

"End Times Outreach" will continue with 6:30 p.m. sessions Aug. 18 to 22 at Calvary Chapel of Honolulu.

Calvary Chapel of Honolulu will also sponsor a conference for pastors and church workers Aug. 19 to 20. Information is available at 524-0844.

Catholic Church celebrates 175 years

The 175 years of ministry and music of the Catholic Church in Hawaii will be the topic of an Hawaiian Arts and Liturgical Inculturation Awareness workshop Friday.

The seminar will be from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Star of the Sea Church. Speakers will include the Rev. Clyde Guerreiro, provincial of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, Hawaii Catholic Herald editor Patrick Downes and Robert Mondoy, music ministry consultant with the diocesan Office of Worship.

Participants are encouraged to bring their musical instruments. Fee is $15. Information is available from Darlene Ah Yo, 735-0259, and Noreen Awong, 668-1949.

Portable toilets make for Iowa fund-raiser

MANLY, Iowa >> A church fund-raising drive in this northern Iowa town gives the phrase "pay toilets" a new meaning.

People pay to have them taken away.

In the "Have Toilets, Will Travel" campaign begun earlier this month, parishioners of Sacred Heart Catholic Church can plunk down $10 to have one of three portable toilets, painted in neon yellow, pink or orange, put in a friend's front yard.

The toilet remains until the recipient pays $10 to have it moved elsewhere. For another $10, the recipient can make sure the toilet doesn't return.

Church pastor the Rev. Daniel Kucera moonlights as director of potty placement. He said people have been forgiving "when I am sneaking around the yards in the middle of the night." He said the campaign has raised $1,700 so far.

Church-going men make better fathers

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. >> Fathers who regularly attend church are more likely to be home for dinner and spend time with their children, a University of Virginia sociologist found.

Bradford Wilcox, the study's author, said churches were the kind of social organizations that give fathers and children more chances to interact.

The findings, which appear in the August 2002 issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family, are based on questionnaires from about 1,000 fathers of children ages 5 to 18. The men were either regulars at a Christian church or attended no worship services.

Wilcox said there was not enough data to analyze men active in other faiths.


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