Hangin' in all the right places
No bouncers and no lines
at this great club
Now that school's out, where have students disappeared to? Anywhere but in Hawaii, the answer would be "parties, clubs, movies and bars."College students can party anywhere. But those of us who come from the mainland come for the beach, sunshine and unbelievable scenery, so when we hang out, we do it outdoors.
By 9:30 on Sunday mornings, my buddy and I are just returning to Kailua from our cross-country practice in town. The first thing we do when we get home is load the kayak onto the top of the car.
We have three goals in mind: to get the kayak strapped down in three minutes or less, take another three to drive to Lanikai Beach Park and another three to unload the kayak and hit the ocean with our paddles.
We kayak out past the beach to wherever our paddles take us. The great thing about this is that there's no "closing time" to limit our adventure, no one charges us $5 to enter and we go where we want, coming back only when our arms are tired.
This hangout beats any old club, party, bar or movie. We have the sun, the water and the sea turtles to keep us entertained.
Cindy Wendt is a student at Hawaii Pacific University. Have a hot spot you want to share? Send your recommendations to
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