Automatic water timers for garden sprinklers can make life a whole lot easier. No more turning on the sprinkler intending to shut it off in an hour, only to remember it several hours later. Sprinkler timer sets
watering schedulesBy Tim Ryan
tryan@starbulletin.comNelson's offers an array of water timers to fit your garden's watering needs. The latest models have the added convenience of easy programming.
The 5940 Touch-Set allows watering up to six times in a 24-hour period. A digital LCD display supplies programming information and review.
The touch-set keys allow you to toggle up and down through three pre-programmed watering schedules.
Here's how easy it is:
To custom-program your watering schedule, rotate the SET dial to START TIME. Then use the touch-set keys to select the time of day for Cycle 1 to start watering, then rotate the SET dial to STOP TIME. Again use the touch-set keys to select the time of day.
The 5940 also has a "Mist" feature with six cycles ideal for drip irrigation, greenhouses or any application that requires the water to run for multiple, short durations.
To cool plants during the hottest times of day, you could program Cycle 1 to run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a mist duration of 1 minute and a mist delay of 59 minutes. The timer will turn on at 10 a.m. and run for one minute, shut off for 59 minutes and turn on for one minute, repeating this pattern hourly.
The unit requires 2 "C" batteries. It costs about $50 at Ace Hardware and Lowes Home Improvement Warehouse.
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