Ti, or ki in Hawaiian, are shrubs with bare, upright stems topped with clusters of leaves. Green ti were originally brought to Hawaii by the first Polynesian settlers, who used them in a multitude of ways. Latin name:
By Liz Huppman
Cordyline fruticosa
Special to the Star-BulletinNow there are several varieties of green ti and many colorful hybrids of different sizes and shapes available in local nurseries.
Size: 1 to 15 feet tall, 6 to 60 inches wide
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Culture: Well-drained soil. Propagate by cuttings or seed.
Hardiness: Cannot tolerate freezing temperatures
Grooming: Prune to desired height. Replant tips.
Design tips: Best to use in clusters of the same variety either as an accent or as a hedge.
Liz Huppman is a research assistant at Lyon Arboretum, University of Hawaii. "In the Garden" is a Friday feature about flora written by field experts.
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