Honolulu Lite
Rarely have I seen a sadder sight than the naked chicken put on display by scientists who have bred a new type of hen with no feathers. ALO-HA FRIDAY
Animals raised for the
plate should live with dignityThe purpose of growing chickens without feathers is to help them stay cool in the Middle East. That apparently will make them more comfortable before they are slaughtered. If you didn't see this chicken, let me tell you, it didn't look comfortable. It looked embarrassed and extremely ticked off.
While admittedly a meat eater, I nonetheless think that animals destined for the plate should live in whatever dignity we can afford them. Wasn't that the whole idea behind "free range" chickens? Happy chickens galloping all over the range, enjoying life and becoming tastier in the process? These pathetic naked chickens should at least be allowed in cockfighting arenas so they can die in the glory of battle instead of naked shame.
Now the news:
Stray dogs fit to be Thai'd
BANGKOK (Reuters) >> Thai civil servants looking for extra cash can now earn money from hunting wild dogs.The government will pay an 8-baht (19-cent) bounty on every stray dog they catch. The dogs will be neutered and vaccinated in an effort to cut down on the 40,000 stray dogs that roam the city.
(Nineteen cents a dog? Whoa baby! Get my banker on the phone, I'm going into business!)
Light wasn't a bright idea
DETROIT (Reuters) >> Consumer Reports magazine, the bible of wary shoppers, gave about 15,000 new subscribers defective tire pressure gauges and flashlights that could overheat and start a fire. Recipients later were told to immediately remove the batteries from the flashlight and throw it and the tire gauge away.(Yeah, but of all the flashlights that burst into flames, this model was rated the best.)
Groom says, 'I did what?'
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) >> A new bride leaving for her honeymoon was left waiting at the airline terminal after her husband suffered a bout of amnesia and lost all memory of being married.(Thousands of reluctant grooms are dying to see if this scam actually works.)
'Honolulu Lite' on Sunday:
It's a little ironic that Gov. Ben Cayetano was miffed when asked to present a passport while checking into a Las Vegas hotel because the clerk didn't realize he was a U.S. citizen, while U.S. citizens visiting Hawaii from the mainland every day are forced pay more for everything from golf to hotel rooms than Hawaii "kamaaina" residents because "they aren't from around here."
Quote me on this:
"The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver." -- Jay Leno
Charles Memminger, winner of National Society of Newspaper Columnists awards, appears Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. E-mail cmemminger@starbulletin.com