Film deadline looms
Wednesday is the deadline to submit entries for the Honolulu Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, taking place May 30 through June 2.The 12th annual festival welcomes films of all lengths and genres: drama, comedy and documentary. Applications and guidelines are available online at www.hglcf.org; or contact the festival office at info@hglcf.org, or call 941-0424, ext. 18.
The festival is presented by the Honolulu Gay and Lesbian Cultural Foundation, which supports gay-oriented films and cultural artistic events that educate, entertain and raise awareness of the homosexual and lesbian community in Honolulu. The foundation also has sponsored art exhibits, music and dance performances.
Keiki lit conference set
"Dream Worlds ... Real Worlds," the 11th Biennial Conference on Literature and Hawaii's Children, will take place June 13 to 15 at the UH-Manoa Campus Center.The event will feature guest speakers Christopher Paul Curtis and William Joyce.
Curtis is the author of the Newbury Medal and 2002 Nene Award-winning "Bud, Not Buddy" and "The Watsons Go to Birmingham -- 1963."
Joyce is a celebrated illustrator and author of "Rolie Polie Olie," winner of an Emmy Award for animated program. His work also can be seen in "Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo" and "George Shrinks."
Other events are as follows:
>> June 13 -- Opening celebration, 7 to 9 p.m., features a Honolulu Theatre for Youth program, conference guests and storyteller Jeff Gere.
>> June 14 -- Workshops and activities for teens and adults, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; repeats June 15.
>> June 15 -- Children's activities, 1 to 5 p.m., including crafts, storytelling, conflict-resolution activities, HTY and conference guests.
Admission is free on June 13 and for general sessions June 14 and 15. Fees are $20 for each professional "how-to" session, $15 for each Teen Track program and $5 for children's activities (an adult must accompany the child).
For information or a conference brochure, call Children's Literature Hawaii at 956-7559.
Send items to 7 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 210, Honolulu 96813; or fax 529-4750. [REUNIONS]
Aiea Class 1972: Updating mailing list. Call Michael, 833-1840; Patrice, 485-2313; e-mail ptysue@hawaii.rr.com; or visit www.aieahighclassof1972.homestead.com. Class 1982: Updating mailing list. E-mail Aiea1982@hotmail.com or call 800-960-3092.
Baldwin Class 1972: July 27, golf tournament and stag night at the Asian Star Vietnamese Restaurant. Updating mailing list. Call Jo-Ann (Ige) Kuneshige at 244-7957; fax to 244-1992; or mail to Baldwin High School Class of 1972, P.O. Box 7, Kahului, 96733.
Castle Class 1982: Dinner buffet, Aug. 17, Ala Moana Hotel, $40. Send updated addresses to castle_1982@hotmail.com or mail to Castle High School 1982, 20th Class Reunion Committee, P.O. Box 108, Kaneohe 96744. Class 1992: Updating mailing list for reunion in September. Contact Joni Kamiya at 408-390-3862 or e-mail jkamiya@earthlink.net.
Farrington Class 1952: Oct. 20, Hale Koa Hotel. Call Wilma (Luna) Kaninao at 455-8490, Isidora Gabriel at 682-4013 or Rebecca (Repoyo) Casson at 672-7222. Class 1972: Sept. 7, Honolulu Country Club. E-mail fhsclassof72@yahoo.com or call Gordon at 487-1998. Class 1982: Updating mailing list. Send e-mail to FHS1982Reunion@aol.com; mail to: FHS Class of 1982 Reunion, P.O. Box 701031, Kapolei, 96709-1031; or visit http://hometown.aol.com/fhs1982reunions/index.html.
Hilo Class 1941: Updating mailing list. Call Warren, 455-1558. Class 1967: June 28-30 in Kailua-Kona. Write to: Hilo High School Class of 1967, Lon Taniguchi, 50 E. Puainako St., Hilo, 96720; call 959-4575, ext. 321; or e-mail lont@aloha.net.
Honokowai Class 1941: Updating mailing list. Call Warren at 455-1558.
Kahuku Class 1970: June 14-15, Las Vegas. Call Nell Ava at 293-5778 or e-mail avan001@hawaii.rr.com; or Steve Balridge at 801-261-2553 or e-mail steveb@cordin.com.
Kailua Class 1982: Social get-together, Aug. 2, Jaron's Restaurant; reunion dinner, Aug. 3, Mid Pacific Country Club; beach picnic, Aug. 4, Lanikai Beach Park. Call Lisa at 261-2274 or Teresa at tcampos@hawaii.rr.com.
Class 1961: Updating mailing list. Call 625-8007 or e-mail rharaga@earthlink.net. Class 1962: Updating mailing list. Contact Joyce at jyce@pr2k.com or Karen at 621-8994. Class 1967: Noon Oct. 4, golf at Honolulu Country Club; 4-5 p.m. Oct. 4, dinner at Honolulu Country Club. Contact Wayne Shibata at 484-9791. And 4-9 p.m. Oct. 5, Rumours Nightclub. Contact Thomas Oi at 737-1382 or toi@hgea.org; or e-mail kaimuki67@hotmail.com. Class 1972: Sunday brunch, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. July 14. Call 524-8469; or e-mail kaimukihs72@hawaii.rr.com or marianc@gte.net.
Kaiser Class 1982: Updating mailing list. E-mail kaiserhigh82@hotmail.com; mail to P.O. Box 61392, Honolulu 96839-1392; or call 551-1982.
Kalani Class 1982: Updating mailing list. Write P.O. Box 893815, Mililani 96789; or visit www.geocities.com/kalani_1982.
Kapaa Class 1982: June 21-22. Potluck at Niumalu Pavilion, golf tournament and dinner at The Terrace. E-mail Deb@Kapaa1982@hotmail.com.
Kauai Class 1958: 45th Year Class Reunion, Las Vegas, 2003. For more info, contact Don Shoho or e-mail dshoho@aol.com. Class 1972: Visit www.geocities.com/kauaihi72 for information. Class 1977: July 26-28. Call Philip Eliana, 4604 Opukea St., Lihue 96766-9338; e-mail pmeliana@aloha.net; or call 246-0929. Class 1987: If you would like to help plan or receive general information, contact Janelle Cadawas, P.O. Box 235350, Honolulu 96823-3505; e-mail janl69@hotmail.com; or call 386-2777 or 808-943-6282. On Kauai, contact Kevin Matsunaga by e-mail, kevinmat@pixi.com, or call 651-6102. Class 1992: July 5 at Duke's Restaurant and Bar -- upstairs classmates only at 7:30 p.m. July 6 at Terrace Restaurant at Kauai Lagoons, 6:30 p.m. Contact Joni Gokan with your current address, phone number and e-mail address. For more info, e-mail kauaihs1992@hotmail.com.
Konawaena Class 1992: Aug. 2 and 3. Call 323-4500, Ext. 13; or mail to 1992 Reunion Committee, 81-1043 Konawaena Road, Kealakua, 96750.
Leilehua Class 1961: Updating mailing list. Send information to LHS Class of '61, c/o P.O. Box 893068, Mililani 96789-0068. Class 1967: July 6, Ala Moana Hotel; and Sept. 28, Las Vegas. Mail to: Leilehua Class of '67, 1515 California Ave., Wahiawa, 96786 or e-mail kinaole@hotmail.com. Class 1977: Updating mailing list. E-mail jyo@isdi-hi.com or jkagehiro@hawaii.rr.com.
Maui Class 1982: July 4-7, Las Vegas. Call Stacey (Pagan) Purcell at 702-240-0011, e-mail purcells@parkplace.com; or call Michele (Omura) Sera at 871-9133, e-mail msera@mauigateway.com.
McKinley Class 1946: Sept. 5-8, Salt Lake City and UH-BYU football game; Sept. 9-13 in Las Vegas. Call Edmund Leong at 373-3882; or e-mail class1946 mhs@cs.com. Class 1952: Nov. 23, Hale Koa Hotel. Call Woody Nakashima at 988-7252; Richard Sakamoto at 988-6661 or e-mail dslinc@pixi.com. Class 1962: July 27, Japanese Cultural Center. Call Carl Sato at 592-5011 or Charlene Wong at 524-3660; or e-mail mckinley62@hotmail.com. Class 1967: Updating mailing list. Call Jo-Ann at 674-0808 or John at 623-6366. Class 1972: Updating mailing list. Call Nancy Young-Vierra at 263-5900, ext. 6, or register at www.MHS72.com. Class 1982: Dinner, Oct. 5, Koolau Golf Club; Family Day, Oct. 6. Call Gayle at 595-4800.
Mililani Class 1982: Updating mailing list. Send information and pictures to MHS Class of 82. P.O. box 894791, Mililani, 96786. Reunion dinner is set for July 12 at the Hale Koa Hotel. Related Web site: http://www.nowandthen.com. Call 623-3931. Class 1992: Updating mailing list. Write to MHS, c/o Leahi Net, P.O. Box 61639, Honolulu 96839; e-mail mhs92@leahi.net; or visit leahi.net/mhs92.
Moanalua Various: Connect to the alumni association Web site at www.global-hawaii.com/mohsaa for news and reunion information, or write to Alumni Association, 2825 Ala Ilima St., Honolulu 96818.
Pearl City Various: Connect to the alumni association's (PCHSAA) Web site at www.pchsaa.org for reunion information as well as current news of the PCHSAA and the PCHS.
Radford Class 1964: Update your listing at members.tripod.com/radfordhs64.
Roosevelt Class 1953: Updating mailing list. Call Barbara Nishimura Nakihei at 247-0525. Class 1963: Dinner buffet, Saturday, Treetops Restaurant. Call Jeanne at 536-1608. Class 1967: Oct. 26. Call Sharon Flores at 524-1880 or e-mail sharcoent@hawaii.rr.com. Class 1977: July 6, Koolau Ballrooms; golf at Waikele Golf Course, July 7. Visit www.geocities.com/rhsclassof77 for more information. Send updated information to: S. Ching, 220 S. KIng St., Suite 1600, Honolulu 96813; or e-mail rhsclassof77@yahoo.com.
St. Andrew's Priory Class 1966: 35th Reunion. Call Beverly at 595-6718 or e-mail bg1248@aol.com and include name, maiden name, address, phone and e-mail address.
St. Augustine's Class 1946: Creating mailing list. Write to P.O. Box 22152, Honolulu 96823-2152; or call Charlotte Guanzon Dias at 550-2504.
St. Francis Class 1977: Updating mailing list. Old-fashioned girl talk, Aug. 16; couples' dinner, Aug. 17; and family picnic, Aug. 18. E-mail linakaz@attglobal.net or call Valentine Iwamasa at 239-2290.
Star of Sea Class 1977: Sunday brunch, July 28. Waialae Country Club. Call Denise Smith McNeal at 360-687-6363; sdmc783@aol.com; or mail to 25119 NE Olson Road, Battle Ground, Wa. 98661; or Valerie Chun Matthews at 941-6000 or valeriem@hawaii.rr.com.
Waialua Class 1977: Updating mailing list. Send address, e-mail address and phone number to candthunting@cox.net. Class 1982: Updating mailing list. Send address, e-mail address or phone number to Waialua Class of 1982, P.O. Box 631, Waialua 96791; or e-mail waialua1982@yahoo.com.
Waipahu Class 1972: 5 p.m. July 13, Ala Moana Hotel. Call 677-6536.
Society of Military Widows: Nonprofit group affiliated with the National Association for Uniformed Services is open to widows and widowers of active-duty and retired military. Call 395-1946 or 947-5282.
WAVES National: WAVE veterans and all sea service women may join. Call 599-3935 or 623-4795.
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