New releases from Hawaii authors
By Burl Burlingame
"Tropical Organic Gardening Hawaiian Style," by Richard Stevens(Petroglyph Press, $9.95)
Kona resident Stevens has constructed a simple but comprehensive guide to the different ways ancient (and modern) Hawaiians approached gardening.
He has spent years experimenting in his own gardens to determine the suitability of various methods, including natural pest control, appropriate companion plants, organic fertilzers and nutrition information.
For example, in the hard lava plains of the Big Island, natural holes in the pahoehoe can be filled with organic debris and making a kind of compost, which transplanted plants and earthworms can break down into soil. That's what nature would do anyway: a little push doesn't hurt.
The illustrations by Teresa Jerilyn are cute if not terribly informative. It's recommended for green- thumb types.
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