Farrington still No. 1 For the second straight year, Farrington High School's newspaper, the Governor, won the overall state award for the most outstanding and consistent quality of work in the 33rd annual High School Journalism Contest.
The Governor repeats as Hawaii's
District winners
top high school newspaperBy Pat Gee and Lisa Asato
pgee@starbulletin.com lasato@starbulletin.com"Everybody put ... their talent into producing the newspaper," said editor Cherry Cachero. "It's them I have to commend, not me. I just do the bossing around."
Cachero, a senior, was co-editor when the newspaper won last year, and said it was her goal to win it again.
"I was really happy," she said. "I usually don't cry, but I was tearing up back there."
The Hawaii Publishers Association, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and the Honolulu Advertiser, co-sponsors of the contest, announced winners at an awards luncheon yesterday at the Pagoda Hotel. This year, 35 public and private high schools participated in the event.
The Governor has won the statewide outstanding high school newspaper title for four of the past five years.
"They're supercommitted," said Ellen Manago, Farrington's news writing adviser for 11 years. "They tend to be perfectionists, too. Because of that they're willing to work long hours. They do anywhere from four to five drafts for each story."
Manago said the newspaper's staff dropped to 11 from 15 during the year, putting a heavier load on everyone in terms of writing, layout and proofreading. But the students did not waver from the goal they had set at the beginning of the year.
"Each student (needs to) feel they are important contributors, because if they don't feel they have a stake in their paper, then I don't think you'll get 100 percent effort from them," she said. "They really need to feel ownership."
Also yesterday, Hawaii Pacific University awarded four four-year scholarships, worth more than $100,000, to students planning to study in the field of communication. The recipients were Rowena Alma Vito of Waianae High School, Nathan Jugas of Waialua High, Nanea Ming Ja Kalani of Hana High, and Amanda Finn of Kalaheo High.
The Hawaii Publishers Association gave Alisa Furoyama, a junior at St. Andrew's Priory, an artist award for designing the cover of Newspaper in Education's "Dive into the Newspaper" pamphlet listing 2002 award winners.
Asterisk (*) denotes statewide winner District award winners
District School Editor Adviser HAWAII Konawaena Andrew Ogata Melissa Otaguro CENTRAL Waialua Aaron Agsalda Gail Kuroda LEEWARD Pearl City Laurie Au Brian Kawauchi HONOLULU (PUBLIC) Roosevelt * Kyle Karioka Lori Hamel HONOLULU (PRIVATE) Kamehameha Holly Coleman, Michelle Lyman Elizabeth Truesdell WINDWARD Kailua Tiare Kruse, Shaun Ritter Kevin O'Leary MAUI King Kekaulike Cherie Keogh, Janna Kawamura Naomi Okazaki
District School Editor Adviser HAWAII Hilo Tiffany Pavao Cathy Ikeda CENTRAL Radford Katherine Hughes Mary Ann Bautista KAUAI Kauai Kim Kido Lindsay Kamm LEEWARD Waipahu Lorinda Dalipe, Maria Rivera Vail Matsumoto HONOLULU (PUBLIC) Roosevelt Kyle Karioka Lori Hamel HONOLULU (PRIVATE) Punahou * Brent Nakamura Liz Foster Zevi Gutfreund WINDWARD Castle Allison Martin Joel Flor MAUI Baldwin Jonathan James Eno Linda Coleon
District School Editor Adviser HAWAII Hilo Tiffany Pavao Cathy Ikeda CENTRAL Mililani Brandon Hanagami Faye Tanaka LEEWARD Waianae Rowena Vito Lorraine Gershun HONOLULU (PUBLIC) Farrington * Cherry Cachero Ellen Manago HONOLULU (PRIVATE) Sacred Hearts Celia Downes Gaylen Isaacs WINDWARD Kailua Tiare Kruse, Shaun Ritter Kevin O'Leary MAUI Baldwin Jonathan James Eno Linda Coleon
District School Editor Adviser HAWAII Kealakehe Katie Ogin Robin O'Hara MAUI Baldwin Jonathan James Eno Linda Coleon CENTRAL Radford Katherine Hughes Mary Ann Bautista LEEWARD Waianae Rowena Vito Lorraine Gershun HONOLULU (PUBLIC) Kaiser * Eva Constantaras, Michelle Wang Pam Ellis HONOLULU (PRIVATE) Sacred Hearts Celia Downes Gaylen Isaacs WINDWARD Kailua Tiare Kruse, Shaun Ritter Kevin O'Leary
District School Editor Adviser HAWAII Hilo Tiffany Pavao Cathy Ikeda KAUAI Kauai Kim Kido Lindsay Kamm LEEWARD Nanakuli Sheena and Nikita Mendonca Robin Kitsu HONOLULU (PUBLIC) McKinley * Michelle Dela Cruz John Newkirk HONOLULU (PRIVATE) Kamehameha Holly Coleman, Michelle Lyman Elizabeth Truesdell WINDWARD Castle Allison Martin Joel Flor CENTRAL Mililani Brandon Hanagami Faye Tanaka MAUI Baldwin Jonathan James Eno Linda Coleon
District School Editor Adviser HAWAII Waiakea Joelle Penisten Donna Tanabe MAUI Lahainanluna Joruel Espiritu Shanda Arume CENTRAL Mililani Brandon Hanagami Faye Tanaka LEEWARD Lanakila Baptist Savanna Westbrook Lorrie Finley HONOLULU (PUBLIC) McKinley Michelle Dela Cruz John Newkirk Roosevelt Kyle Karioka Lori Hamel HONOLULU (PRIVATE) Kamehameha* Holly Coleman, Michelle Lyman Elizabeth Truesdell WINDWARD Kailua Tiare Kruse, Shaun Ritter Kevin O'Leary