Newspaper horoscopes are a colossal waste of ink and paper. Let's look at some sage advice offered recently by a horoscope in the Star-Bulletin: Capricorns: "Take your time making decisions." When is this advice ever NOT applicable? Does that mean it's best to make hasty decisions during the other 51 weeks of the year? The future of horoscopes
I expect more from my horoscopes. I want to open the paper and read something of practical use: Aries: "When you see John this afternoon, kill him. He's planning to shoot you when you play golf this Friday, so get him before he gets you."
Or maybe just a simple piece of useful, fiscal advice: "Yahoo stock will triple by August; the New York winning lottery number for next Tuesday's draw will be 23 4 56 9 2."
I have a feeling my horoscope for next week will read: "Get over the fact that you didn't come up with this horoscope racket first; it's mine, I'm making money doing it, and laughing at you from my private beach in Barbados."
Jason Seaborn