A House-Senate committee deferred a decision yesterday on a proposal to establish a deposit system for recycling bottles and other beverage containers. Lawmakers set aside
bottle bill for further studyAssociated Press
The deferral came after Sen. Lorraine Inouye introduced an amended proposal that would be more sensitive to financial concerns raised by small businesses.
Inouye says some businesses are concerned that the proposed recycling program would lead to additional costs, such as labeling for bottles that would be subject to the deposit.
"We're taking a more cautious approach," said Inouye (D, North Hilo-Hamakua-South Kohala).
Rep. Hermina Morita (D, East Maui-North Kauai) also asked the state Department of Health to determine how much the recycling program would generate and how much it would cost the state under various fiscal scenarios.
The proposal aims to set up a recycling program by 2005 in which consumers would be charged a refundable 5 cent deposit on beverage containers.
Under the House proposal, consumers also would be charged a 2 cent container fee. The Senate proposes a container fee of one-half cent.
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