UH works on Negotiations for a new television contract for University of Hawaii sports with KHNL/KFVE will begin within two weeks.
new TV deal
The station has made a 'smart'
offer to the school to continue
broadcasting eventsBy Dave Reardon
dreardon@starbulletin.comThe current 5-year, $6.265 million contract ends July 31. KHNL/KFVE general manager and vice president John Fink has presented an offer to UH for a new deal.
"We're talking. We'll be meeting with John in the next week or the week after," UH vice president and spokesman Paul Costello said. "John has made a smart offer. I think we'll come to a decision within a fast period of time."
Neither Fink nor Costello would divulge details about the offer or negotiating points.
But there could be new aspects, including pay-per-view and different blackout provisions (currently, UH football games are shown on a delayed basis).
"We're looking at a lot of different options," Fink said. "The reality of the marketplace, UH's needs and the station's needs are all being considered. We've always felt if it's good for the university and the state, it's good for us."
Fink said KHNL/KFVE, as the current contract holder, has a 60-day window to negotiate a new deal. The contract goes out for bid only if the current contractor is unsuccessful.
"The good thing for us is we can sit around a table and discuss it, it's not a blind bid," Fink said. "We don't have to guess."
KHNL/KFVE telecasts around 100 UH sports events a year. Fink said very few, if any, college sports programs get as much TV coverage. Some people, however, say the extensive televising cuts into attendance.
"I'd love to know where those people who say that were when UH baseball and volleyball were selling out. We televised as many games then," Fink said. "The economy is a huge factor."
UH Athletics