A new leaf turned,
a life changedIn the early '70s, I was editor of the Leeward Community College student newspaper, and one day a kid showed up and said he wanted to become a journalist. Why? I asked.
He eyed me, sullen and silent. He had a wild and distracted air about him.
Finally, he said, " I want to change my life."
Why? What were you doing before?
He paused again, and spoke in a low voice, "I'm a burglar. I break into houses and steal things. But last week, I broke into some old guy's house and wandered around, looking for something to steal. But the guy had nothing, nothing. He was worse off than me. I became ashamed, and started to cry, and I resolved right there never to do that again. I don't want to be the person I was."
You're pretty honest, for a burglar, I said. Welcome aboard.
And Tremaine Tamayose became one of our most interesting writers, and later a noted Honolulu playwright and actor. He never looked back.
--Burl Burlingame