The skipper of the amphibious ship that collided with the Pearl Harbor-based submarine USS Greeneville in the Indian Ocean in January has been relieved. Navy relieves
Ogdens skipperThe ship collided with
the Pearl Harbor-based
Greeneville in JanuaryBy Gregg K. Kakesako
gkakesako@starbulletin.comNo disciplinary action has been taken against Cmdr. Lindsey Hankins, commanding officer of the Greeneville, or its crew, according to Jon Yoshishige, Pacific Fleet spokesman. Yoshishige said an investigation into the Jan. 28 accident between the amphibious ship USS Ogden and the Greeneville has not been completed.
However, Cmdr. William Edwards, skipper of the Ogden, was reassigned Feb. 22 "due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command," Yoshishige said.
Capt. Robert Connelly, commander of Amphibious Squadron Three, temporarily reassigned Edwards to the staff of Amphibious Group Three in San Diego while the investigation is being done by the 7th Fleet, based in Japan.
Capt. Jon Berg-Johnsen, executive officer of the amphibious assault ship Bonhomme Richard, is temporarily commanding the Ogden.
The Greeneville collided with the Ogden off the coast of Oman during preparations to transfer two sailors. The sub was attempting to transfer two sailors to the amphibious ship by a small boat. The 362-foot submarine suffered a scrape about 6 inches wide and 4 feet long in its starboard quarter, and temporary repairs were made.
The nuclear attack submarine returned to Pearl Harbor on Saturday after a nearly seven-month deployment that included two accidents.
The Greeneville is now in dry dock at Pearl Harbor, undergoing more repairs to its stern stabilizer plane, which helps control the angle at which the submarine glides through the water. The Navy has not released any estimate on the cost of repairs in the latest accident.
The Greeneville departed Aug. 15 on a routine deployment to the Western Pacific before heading to the Indian Ocean to serve in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Shortly after leaving, it ran aground Aug. 27 trying to enter the Saipan seaport in rough seas. The accident prompted the Navy to replace its skipper, Cmdr. David S. Bogdan. The repairs from that accident cost $120,000.
On Feb. 9, 2001, the Greeneville collided with the Japanese fisheries training vessel Ehime Maru about nine miles south of Diamond Head. Nine of the 35 men and boys aboard the vessel from the Uwajima Fisheries School died when it sank.
The sub's captain, Cmdr. Scott Waddle, was reprimanded by a military court of inquiry, which decided against a court-martial. He was allowed to retire at full rank and pension on Oct. 1. The Navy spent more than $2 million to repair the Greeneville after the Ehime Maru accident.