Whats hot,
Kaimuki high school senior John Ho and sophomore Megan Jen share what's hot and what's not in their universe:
whats not
John Ho
What's hot
1. Armani (name brands)
2. Cars
3. "Counterstrike" and "Diablo"
4. Car magazines
5. Cell phones
What's not
1. Raving2. Dreamcast
3. Game Cube
4. Low riders
5. Drugs
Megan Jen
What's hot
1. Cell phones
2. Abercrombie and Fitch
3. Souped up cars
4. Guys who drive
5. Ward Theatres
What's not
1. Jeans Warehouse
2. Hootchie clothes
3. Old guys dating super young chicks
4. Gold jewelry
5. People who talk in Ebonics
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