Whats Hot ... Whats Not
High school seniors share what's in and what's out in their universe
Desiree Lee Hang
Waipahu High School
>> Korean soap operas
>> Slippers
>> Alternative music
>> Polynesian Dancers
>> Hitting the beach/mall on Professional Development Days!
>> Druggies
>> Bleached hair
>> 5-plus page essays
>> Poor dental hygiene
>> Posers
Elmer Constantino
Waipahu High School
>> Caramel Frappuccinos
>> Old Navy jackets
>> Playing the guitar
>> Working out
>> Text messaging
>> Reality TV shows
>> Bullying
>> Gold jewelry
>> *N Sync
Jenna Bjorn
Kahuku High and Intermediate School
(interviewed by Starlyn Taylor)
>> Red is in, as in Kahuku's school pride
>> "A Walk to Remember"
>> Healthy living
>> Belts
>> College preparation
>> Osama bin Laden and terrorism, whether elsewhere in the world or on campus
>> Hawaii's economy
>> Poor school maintenance
>> White shirts under spaghetti strap tops
Harris Mata'afa
Kahuku High and Intermediate School
(interviewed by Shantel Kaululaau)
>> Jennifer Lopez and Jessica Alba
>> Usouljah
>> School lunch
>> Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs
>> J. Lo's and Alba's husbands
>> Homework
>> Drugs
>> Music with excessive profanity
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calendars and events.