Symphonys Wong creates
disharmony in Hong KongHONOLULU Symphony conductor Samuel Wong has been taking some hits in Hong Kong, where he also conducts the Hong King Philharmonic Orchestra. According to a story this week in the South China Morning Post, many musicians have announced their resignations from the orchestra, halfway through their two-year contracts. They claim that while audience figures were up, the musical standards under Wong have dropped, a charge he denies. Wong can afford to shrug off anonymous complaints, since his contract in Hong Kong pays him a whopping U.S. $513,000 ($4 million in Hong Kong dollars) for 14 to 16 weeks a year there ...
FOOTBALL leftovers: Honolulu's Frank White, whose NCAA crew handled the Hula Bowl with hardly a murmur from fans or players, got off to a shaky start. After the coin flip he said it was "heads," then reversed his decision and said it was "tails." After further examination he declared it was actually "heads." This prompted one of White's Honolulu pals to quip, "Frank doesn't know his head from his, uh, tail." ... The Star-Bulletin pictured UH Warrior quarterback Nick Rolovich atop Page One last Saturday, emblematic of the UH representation on the field. Those who made the decision looked like Nostradamus when Rolo threw three quick touchdown passes and was named MVP of the game ... As for the Super Bowl, it turned out to be a great game with the highly favored St. Louis Rams losing by a last-second field goal. Nobody was happier for a New England Patriots win than Don "Geezer" Humphrey, Gordon Manuel Freitas and Cordell Keith Haugen. They're known collectively as the Patriots and have a new patriotic CD, "Lest We Forget," out this week. Don't get one for Rams fanatic Ron Jacobs, who's probably still in mourning ...
Tao pau with 'Tiser
RETIRED Hawaii Tribune-Herald editor Gene Tao has dropped his subscription to the Honolulu Advertiser in favor of a subscription to the Star-Bulletin. The 33-year veteran of the Hilo paper cited our newspaper as being "bold," "striking" and even "pretty" as reasons for his move. The bottom-line conscious Gannetoids won't be happy about this ...MANY have tried and failed at the Dixie Grill, where if you eat the two-pound Bust Yo Belly Burger and trimmings in 30 minutes or less, you get it free. Portly sportscaster Robert Kekaula wasn't quick enough on his feat and even Tiny Tadani gave it a (no-) go -- what was he thinking? But Rose Van Dorpe and her staff watched with open mouths as two visitors from Tokyo came in and took the challenge. Yoshiyuki Kishi broke the Dixie Grill record of 28 minutes by downing his in an incredible 21 minutes, but Miki Beppu just got in under the gun to qualify. All on hand gave them a rousing "Banzai!" ...
Meet the pros
THE Pro Bowl takes place Saturday at Aloha Stadium with a list of some 15 things that won't be allowed in the stadium. Things like umbrellas. Pray for sunshine. That evening there'll be a post-game block party throughout the entire Aloha Tower Marketplace. Not only will there be live entertainment, but both players and NFL cheerleaders will be on hand to sign autographs.
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
The Week That Was recalls items from Dave's 30 years of columns.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com