Those interested in improving aviation safety can attend the 5th Annual Aviation Maintenance Megaconference and Awards Ceremony to be held on Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2-day conference hosted by
FAA to focus on ways to
improve aerial safetyAn awards ceremony also will
honor those who promoted safetyStar-Bulletin staff
The conference, called "FAA Rules Regarding Aviation Maintenance," is the only annual maintenance safety conference held in the Pacific. More than 20 mainland aviation parts suppliers and various presenters will speak at the event at the seventh-floor conference rooms of the Interisland Terminal Building, Honolulu Airport.
Aviation maintenance expert Bill O'Brien and regional counsel Naomi Tsuda will be presenters along with several aircraft component manufacturers and aircraft product support representatives.
Aircraft maintenance technicians, repair stations, military aviation maintenance and safety personnel and aircraft owners and pilots are urged to attend.
An awards ceremony will also be held on Friday from noon to 1:30 p.m. Bill O'Brien of the Federal Aviation Administration will present a Charles Taylor Master Mechanic lifetime achievement award. The award, given to four Hawaii residents, recognizes an aviation mechanic for being active in the aircraft maintenance industry for 50 years or more. This year, an employee from Hawaiian Airlines will be inducted.
In addition, the FAA will acknowledge individuals and aviation maintenance organizations for their participation in the 2001 Aviation Maintenance Technician Safety Awards program. Aloha Airlines, Aloha Island Air, Blue Hawaiian Helicopters, Hawaiian Airlines, Honolulu Community College's aircraft mechanic school, Lear Seigler Services, Inc. and SwissPort Corp. will be recognized for their support.
The conference is free to the public. For more information, call Jim Hein, safety program manager of the FAA Honolulu Flight Standards District Office, at 808-837-8335.