The number of unemployed people in Hawaii continued to rise last month. The rate was up 0.3 percentage points over October figures, according to a report released yesterday by the state Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. Hawaii unemployment rate
climbs to 5.5% in NovemberBy Lyn Danninger
November marked the second consecutive month that statewide unemployment rates had risen, although the increase was not as drastic as the September-October spike of 0.7 percentage points.
With 5.5 percent unemployed, Hawaii's jobless rate is slightly above the nation's 5.3 percent for November.
In contrast, Hawaii's average monthly unemployment rate from the beginning of the year up till the events of Sept. 11 was 4.4 percent.
Employment saw increases in some sectors. The non-agricultural wage and salary job count increased by 1,000.
Within government, the state sector added 3,400 jobs with the vast majority concentrated in education. Local government increased by 300 jobs while the federal government added 200 jobs.
The transportation sector lost some ground shedding 1,700 jobs, mostly due to a contraction in the cruise ship industry and layoffs in air transportation.
Retail jobs showed a slight decrease, mostly in areas related to the visitor industry. Wholesale trade declined by 300 jobs.
There were 500 fewer jobs in hotels, with Oahu hotels taking the biggest drop. Other service sector jobs, primarily related to the visitor industry, also saw a decrease.
Jobs in private education increased by 300. Social services also expanded by 200 jobs. The finance, real estate and insurance industries showed little change. Construction and manufacturing jobs also remained stable.