Armed trio robs Honolulu police and the FBI are asking for the public's help in locating three masked men armed with shotguns who robbed the Windward Community Federal Credit Union yesterday afternoon.
credit union
3 masked men with shotguns
rob the Windward FCUBy Rod Antone
rantone@starbulletin.comNo shots were fired during the robbery, which police said lasted about one or two minutes, with the suspects running into the credit union at 3:45 p.m.
The credit union is at 629-A Kailua Rd., Suite 111.
Police said one of the suspects posted himself at the front door and acted as a lookout while the other two vaulted over the counter, yelled demands and grabbed the money.
Detectives said there were less than a dozen employees and customers in the credit union at the time, none of whom were threatened or injured.
Police said that as the suspects left the bank, one of them kicked the front door, breaking the glass.
Though the suspects were seen leaving in a white Plymouth Voyager, police said they later abandoned that vehicle and switched to an older-model dark blue Toyota or Nissan truck with tinted windows, lifted suspension and black primer paint markings.
Police recovered the white Plymouth about a block away from the crime scene near a Longs Drug Store and said it had been reported stolen earlier yesterday from the 3000 block of Ala Poha Place in Salt Lake.
Police describe all the suspects as about 6 feet, 200 to 220 pounds and having heavy or muscular builds.
All three suspects wore nylon stocking-type masks and had black shotguns. Police said they also wore similar clothing: navy blue long-sleeved shirts, navy blue sweat pants, dark gloves and work shoes or boots.
One of the suspects who vaulted the bank counter and grabbed the money has dark hair and a dark complexion.
Anyone with any information about this case is urged to call CrimeStoppers at 955-8300 or *CRIME on a cellular phone. Information can also be given to the FBI by calling 566-4300.