Holiday classic roasts on
Loose Screws improv fireBy Scott Vogel
svogel@starbulletin.comPerhaps alone among major holidays, the solemnity of Christmas had until recently escaped association with fart jokes. But then came those lovable urchins at Loose Screws and, just like that, another classic of literature was awarded the satire treatment.
"Duck, Duck, Scrooge: A Commedia Christmas Carol"
When: 8 p.m. today and tomorrow; 4 p.m. tomorrow and Sunday
Where: The ARTS at Mark's Garage, 1159 Nuuanu Ave.
Cost: $10
Call: 536-8047
Sure, this kind of business has a fancy Italian name -- commedia dell'arte -- but don't be misled. "Duck, Duck, Scrooge" promises to be nothing less than a wholesale skewering of Western literature's signature miser and those ghosts of Christmas past, present, future and beyond.
R. Kevin Doyle plays Jacob Marley, Scrooge's much maligned business partner, who incidentally is more of a Scrooge-ette in this case, the role having been taken by Angela Crowley. As is evident, the plot will not be strictly adhered to, and performances will vary greatly from night to night, depending on the actors' whims. (Think of it as a sort of Honolulu riff on the order of "Whose Tiny Tim is it Anyway.")
Still, if you're getting sugar shock from all the saccharine wholesomeness of the holiday season, the folks at Loose Screws may well be the only suitable antidote.
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