St. Andrews girls The 7-year-olds at St. Andrew's Priory scrubbed bathtubs, cleaned their rooms and even brushed their teeth to answer President Bush's call for each American child to give $1 to help the children of Afghanistan.
do chores for cash
to help Afghan kids
The second-graders raise $154,
answering Bush's call for helpBy Lisa Asato
lasato@starbulletin.comThirty second-graders at the all-girls school raised $154 this month.
"I washed the tub and cleaned my room up and the closet 'cause it was all messy," said Jasmine Ryan, whose mother rewarded her with a "good job" and a dollar bill.
"I'm happy because I'm helping people that are poor," she said.
Devin Ludwig said she never made so much money doing chores. She earned $4 feeding and washing her black-and-white cat, Oreo.
Asked if she had anything to say to President Bush, she said, "I think he's having a really hard job right now, and I hope I can help."
Other children sold candy, cleaned bathrooms and brushed their teeth "three times a day."
Teacher Cheri Woods said her students and those of another teacher, Betty Ito, raised the money as part of their yearly service project.
Woods and Ito sent a letter home to parents asking them to give the children a chance to earn money by doing chores around the house."I told parents that the amount we get may not be large, but I think the learning potential will be," she said. "For me and for the children, (I thought) this would be a good way to do something positive because of all the horrible things we hear about. Here's something we can finally do."
A check, along with handwritten letters, was to be sent yesterday to America's Fund for Afghan Children, which is supervised by the American Red Cross.
The original letters were made into a collage, with copies sent to the White House.