Planning the perfect surprise party demands careful timing and a talent for secrecy, neither of which comes easy when you're a 7-foot-tall bear. Nevertheless, such is the predicament of the Bear (as in "Bear in the Big Blue House") during a live-action version of the popular children's series that opens Thursday at the Hawaii Theatre. Blue Houses Bear brings
party to Hawaii stageStar-Bulletin
It's Tutter, the big-hearted little mouse, for whom the party is planned, but all the usual suspects -- Pip and Pop the otters, Treelo the lemur and Ojo the little girl bear -- will be in attendance. And thus proving that the show's producers are at the forefront of theatrical innovation, Bear plans to frequently break the proverbial fourth wall, interacting with kids in what's described as a "state-of-the-art audience participation component." (Cameras will capture audience reactions and instantly broadcast them on a giant screen.)
It's a can't-miss experience for the 2- to 5-year-old set, which has already made Bear's House one of the most popular destinations in cable land, the show now airing three times a day on the Disney Channel. In fact, the only remaining question is whether Bear can cha-cha-cha onstage with the same vim and vigor that he brings to TV.
Show times will be 7 p.m. Thursday; 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8 and 9; and 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, and Nov. 10 and 11.
Tickets are $12, $17 and $23, available by calling 528-0506. A $3 building and presenter fee will apply to all tickets except for the kids' matinees. All tickets for the opening-night performance are $12. For tickets, call 528-0506.
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