Tuesday, October 9, 2001
State ought to help the little people, too
Governor Cayetano's proposed billion-dollar financial inoculation to sustain the tourism and construction industries is a generous, compassionate gesture in this time of impending economic devastation for Hawaii.However, is it too much to ask for a billion-dollar tax-exempt "people's gift" package to be divided equally among the registered-voter populace? It's the spending lifestyle of Hawaii's people that can also fuel the machinery of our local economy. They know where to deliver the money where it's best deserved.
Let's treat Hawaii's people with dignity and save them the humiliation of seeking social assistance.
Al Canopin Jr.
Media shouldn't reveal details of war plans
The letter referring to secrecy by President Bush and The cabinet is a misconception. Our president did "explain in clear and convincing terms" exactly what our objective is -- to cease terrorism. High-level secrecy is vital for our well-being in the continuance of our liberty. Terrorists still remaining in our country see and hear the same news. Why would they want the terrorists to know exactly what we are planning to do before we have the opportunity to work out our strategy effectively? Tip our hand, as it were.There is already too much broadcasted daily. When I see portions of news divulging significant targets that would cripple us even more, it only lends to providing the terrorists with additional ideas as to where to attack next. You will know if we're winning or losing without knowing every detail.
Kona Fleming
"They haven't been in war with people who don't care if they die or not." [Quotables]
Afghani native and member of Hawaii's Islamic community, on the U.S. military waging war in Afghanistan.
"A campaign to eliminate terrorism is an increasingly difficult undertaking. This will be a long and very difficult war."
Senior adjunct fellow at the East-West Center, on America's war against terrorism.
Win them with love instead of with war
I have never watched TV in the mornings, but on Sept. 11 my daughter turned it on for me. I saw the twin towers still standing but one was smoking. A few minutes later I saw a plane and ball of fire from the second tower. Then I knew we were being attacked.I was glued to the TV the whole day and saw the World Trade Center burn down a hundred times. My heart ached for the poor innocent people that died on the plane and the two towers. When President Bush said he will fight back I was with him 100 percent. I wished he would wipe out Osama bin Laden and his followers from this Earth.
For three weeks I read nearly every page of the newspapers to see when it was going to happen. When I saw a relief package marked USA in the papers I immediately thought this might be the answer. "Win them with love instead of war." People cannot survive without food and the refugees are hungry. Let all the world know how big America is.
Betty K. Sueneya
We need to ask why U.S. is hated so much
It is reassuring that our wise leaders have taken a more thoughtful approach toward America's reaction to the New York attack. Instead of emotional cries for revenge they should consider it an important wake-up call to review our foreign policy. Why is it that so many people in the world have developed such a fervent hatred for America that they are willing to die to punish us? Not even the Germans or the Japanese hated the Americans and still went on a full-scale war.Unless we do some serious soul-searching, there will be more attacks to come. Many more. And civilians, not soldiers, will die on our home soil. Our unlimited military might is no match for the infinite determination of our elusive and highly intelligent opponents to fight. And to win!
Gerhard C. Hamm
Waialae Iki
Airline records could help investigators
Most airline passengers and the general public are unaware of the Federal Aviation Administration rule allowing all commercial airlines -- domestic, flag and supplemental operations -- to routinely destroy passenger lists, flight plans, load manifests and dispatch releases for flights after 90 days.Airlines are not required by federal law to retain records of medical emergencies aboard the flight such as a stroke, heart attack, epileptic seizure, or other serious illnesses and injuries. Most airlines do not have basic guidelines for retaining easily-stored records and methodically destroy records.
After 90 days, the FAA rule prevents the FBI and other law enforcement agencies from tracing and tracking whether fugitives from justice, felons, missing persons, and suspected terrorists boarded a flight. If terrorists were checking out airline security and procedures by making dry runs on flights, the passenger names would be routinely deleted. If deadly chemical or biological loads were boarded and discovered later, the load manifest would be destroyed.
These are serious questions: Why is the FAA allowing the airline industry to destroy critical records in an electronic age where record storage is no problem? Why hasn't Congress changed this 1996 law and required the FAA to compel airlines to store records for a much longer period?
Jack M. Magann
Thanks for holding on to aloha spirit
I just returned home from my 78th trip to Hawaii. As usual, I had a wonderful vacation. It was obvious that tourists were hard to find. It was also obvious that despite the hard times Hawaii is enduring from the slump in tourism, the spirit of aloha was alive and well.Everywhere I went on Oahu, I was greeted with a smile and a friendly "aloha." I was always given a sincere "mahalo" also. The merchants, hoteliers and waiters all conveyed the warmth of the islands and made me feel genuinely welcome.
I live in a city that relies heavily on tourism also and things do seem to be improving. Hang in there, Hawaii. The tourists will be back. I plan on telling anybody who will listen that Hawaii is safe and is welcoming guests with open arms.
I want to thank the people of Hawaii for their warmth and to thank them for giving me so many wonderful memories. Mahalo.
Ron Darton
Las Vegas, Nev.
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