Wednesday, October 3, 2001
A recent quote from a local airline executive illuminates the woeful state of airport security. The unnamed speakers said: "I think, in general, anything that makes the public feel that flying is safe again is a good thing." Making the public feel that flying is safe is a far sight different from making sure it is safe. It's this attitude that allowed the Sept. 11 disasters to occur: Airlines were, and it appears still are, more concerned with the appearance of safety than with providing real security for airplanes and passengers. Security is more
than a feelingIn the aftermath of 9/11, bringing to light the sorry state of airport security was seen as a good thing. Unless the airlines take seriously their responsibilities for protecting travelers, we will never be safe in the skies. A flight attendant at Logan Airport in Boston last week was able to sneak a pocketknife through security, showing that the lackadaisical state of security continues. At the same time, some of the supposedly more stringent security checks are little more than eyewash.
Jason Seaborn