U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie, a member of the House Military Construction Committee for Facilities, says the committee is recommending rebuilding the Pentagon as soon as possible to show the nation "we're back in business." Pentagon to be rebuilt as soon
as possible, Abercrombie saysBy Helen Altonn
haltonn@starbulletin.comAfter visiting the damaged Pentagon yesterday and meeting throughout the day in caucuses and briefings, Abercrombie said the committee is proposing that the Corps of Engineers have charge of the reconstruction and operate 24 hours a day.
"Restoration of confidence is a key element in this," Abercrombie said, pointing out terrorist activity "is geared not so much at taking lives but to sew fear, confusion, anxiety and undermining confidence in the country.
"This restoration is essential as a symbol of our willingness to fight back and not knuckle under to that kind of new philosophy if fighting."
A $40 billion supplementary budget bill will earmark money for recovery at the Pentagon and in New York and to assure airport safety, Abercrombie said.
"Freedom of travel is fundamental to democracy and fundamental to Hawaii's economic health," he said, assuring money will be provided to restore safety and confidence in travel.