Home sales Sales of previously owned homes on Oahu continued at a brisk pace in June. Prices for single-family homes dipped while condominium prices were higher than a year ago.
continue their climb
Prices for single-family
homes dropped, but
condo prices roseBy Russ Lynch
A total of 338 single-family homes changed hands last month, up 15.4 percent from 293 in June 2000. The median price among the single-family homes resold in June was $305,000, down 2.1 percent from $311,500 in June 2000. The median is the point at which half the homes sold for more and half for less.
Last month, 343 condominium units changed owners, up 5.2 percent from the year-earlier month, and the condominium median price of $139,000 was up 4.2 percent from the June 2000 median.
"Our market expansion of nearly four years continues as seen with the statistics for June," said Peter Freeman, president and chief executive officer of the Honolulu Board of Realtors, which issued its report today. He said total home resales this year, given the experience in the first half, should run to more than 7,400, double the low point in 1996.
Sales through the first half of the year totaled 1,646 single-family homes, up 10 percent from 1,496 in the first half of 2000, and 2,059 condominium units, up 9.2 percent from a year-earlier 1,885. The dollar sales volume of all types of homes was $952.6 million, up 4.3 percent from $913.6 million in the first half of last year.