Wood Craft

By Ben Wood

Saturday, June 30, 2001

Margaret didn't know
he was Jack Lemmon

Jack Lemmon's death Wednesday at age 76 was a major loss. Just about every moviegoer liked Jack and enjoyed his films. But when Coldwell Banker's Margaret Murchie sat down next to him at the bar at Matteo's years ago in L.A. she didn't recognize him because it was dark and she was really mad, she said. Margaret had left her dinner table in a huff because the couple she was with were fighting. She told "this man" she sat next to the story. He told her he was waiting for a friend. Margaret realized she was with film royalty when the maitre d' came up and said, "Mr. Lemmon, Mr. Matthau is at the dinner table." Margaret had her camera and before Jack joined Walter Matthau for dinner, she had the maitre d' take a photo of her with Jack ...

Cheers to Helen Altonn

Happy birthday to senior Star-Bulletin reporter Helen Altonn, who is celebrating her 70th today. Helen has worked 46 years with the newspaper, longer that anyone on the staff. When Helen joined the Bulletin, she expected to stay only for a couple of years. She's still cranking out Page One stories with regularity. "She's an icon," said fellow staffer George Steele ... Pono Shim owns Concierge Services at Consolidated's Victoria Ward Theater complex. Pono and his staff will set up movie packages, limos, dining reservations and all those good things from the guest services desk at the complex. Call 382-0298 ... Jim Nabors, Vicky Cayetano, the group Na 'Oiwi and singer Pauline Wilson appear on "Emme & Friends" tonight at 6:30. Emme Tomimbang's show repeats at 2 p.m. tomorrow ...

DHT fund-raiser

Diamond Head Theatre's annual fund-raiser Thursday is paired with its production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella." Delicacies by chef Sam Choy and wines selected by Richard Field will be available on the theater's grounds from 6:30 p.m. to the 8 p.m. curtain time. There will also be a silent auction. Among the items up for bid is a dinner for 10 catered by Choy and with wine at the home of Rod and Sharon McPhee. An added plus at the dinner will be entertainment by Cinderella stars Larry Paxton and Stephanie Smart. Tickets for the event are $100 and $75. Call Nikki Nielsen at 733-0277 ext. 305 for tickets ...

A baby shower was held at the Mariposa last week for Corin Balding, daughter of Nora Meijide Gentry and the late Tom Gentry. Corin is married to Billy Balding. Corin's sister is former Miss Hawaii Candes Gentry. Among the 40 guests were Sally Parker, Elissa Josephsohn, Jany Cataldo, Cindy Foster, Wendy Crabb, Claire Lau, Pat Lee, Kalo Mataele and Don and Hiroko Eovino. How'd Don slip in there with all those beautiful women? Corin is a dancer in Kalo's Polynesian show at the Hawaiian Hut. Family friend Mert Lau took photos ...

WE received word that Kimo McVay, 73, one of Hawaii's most colorful showbiz impresarios, died yesterday as I was putting this column to bed. Kimo was a longtime friend. He was generous to a fault when he was on top and owned Duke Kahanamoku's, where Don Ho gained national fame. Even in tough times he had a smile and was full of optimism. He will be missed ...

Ben Wood, who sold the Star-Bulletin in the streets
of downtown Honolulu during World War II, writes of
people, places and things every Saturday.
E-mail him at

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