Saturday, June 9, 2001 The Bloomberg Honolulu Star-Bulletin Index is a price-weighted index designed to measure the performance of Hawaii-based companies. The index was developed with a base value of 100 as of December 31, 1999. A chart of the index which shows the weekly performance of its members is published weekly in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
The Bloomberg /
Star-Bulletin Index
ML Macadamia Orchards LP, which on Monday won a court decision that requires its purchasing partner to buy all its nuts, jumped 22.30 percent this week to lead 13 other companies in the Bloomberg Honolulu Star-Bulletin Index. ML Macadamia
Orchards standing tallCheap Tickets Inc. was close behind with a 21.20 percent gain after scoring the highest overall customer rating among online travel competitors in an online monitoring service and after announcing the opening of a call center in Tampa, Fla.
Aquasearch and Cyanotech also were up double digits.
Source: Bloomberg News STAR-BULLETIN GRAPHIC